The European Day of languages is next Wednesday (26th September). I asked students to share their ideas about the importance of languages. They can contribute with comments, poems, graffiti works, drawings, videos, any kind of paper of digital contribution.
Some are already sharing their works:
1. Raquel likes formal text, images from the Web and colours.
2. Someone else likes provocative images. You should add a caption João Francisco! What class are you from?
Tomás is always inspired: English is very important, because it gives you the ability to talk with lots of people around the world, learning about it and then having the chance of being an important part of it.
(class 9F)
If you want, you can write a short sentence (160 characters) on this wallwisher: double click write and add a link if you want to. Add your name (or number and class, please).
Semana das Línguas Estrangeiras (16 a 20 de abril)
A propósito da semana das Línguas estrangeiras, os grupos de Espanhol, Francês e Inglês, fizeram, como de costume, com a ajuda dos alunos, uma mega exposição de trabalhos realizados ao longo do ano.
Para além dos trabalhos feitos com papel e lápis (e com a Internet), o grupo de Inglês quis mostrar exemplos de trabalhos feitos exclusivamente com recurso às TIC, através de serviços grátis da Web.
1. Um vídeo no Youtube, sobre o Natal
Autora: Joana V. (9º E)
2. Um poster interativo, através do “Glosgster”, sobre o dia de São Valentim
Autora: Sara (9º E)
3. Uma apresentação em PowerPoint através do Google Docs sobre St. Patrick
St. Patrick’s
Day is coming. For those
who want to know something about it, a little extra about it or just remember
and recollect information and ideas, check:
The History Channel which has a great site about the holiday.
Try your
knowledge with a quiz or have great fun looking at photos.
Carnival is a time of the year when teenagers go out and have fun by playing pranks on everyone. For example, teenagers throw water balloons to each other or stink bombs.
We, teens, feel that Carnival is a good moment to act wildly and be rebellious.
If you love someone, this is your day: show it!
If you don’t love anyone, there’s still time: find someone to love!
Have you ever thought about the power of love?
Here is a link to a list of irregular verbs in English. Is includes the meaning of the verbs in Portuguese. Choose the colour of your choice, print it and it whenever you find an irregular verb.
What ways are there to carry your list? I like to use it as a bookmark. What about you?